lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

ORA Error . Listado Errores Oracle. ORA-19024 a ORA-19209

ORA-19024: Cursor expression must be named
Cause: The value of context passed to GETXML was invalid.
Action: Rewrite the query so that the value of context passed to GETXML is valid.

ORA-19025: EXTRACTVALUE returns value of only one node
Cause: Given XPath points to more than one node.
Action: Rewrite the query so that exactly one node is returned.

ORA-19026: EXTRACTVALUE can only retrieve value of leaf node
Cause: Given XPath does not point to a leaf node.
Action: Rewrite the query so that a leaf node is returned.

ORA-19028: Invalid ADT parameter passed to toObject() function
Cause: The object passed as ADT parameter to sys.XMLType.toObject() is not the same type, or a super-type, of the mapped type.
Action: Pass an object of the correct type to toObject().

ORA-19029: Cannot convert the given XMLType to the required type
Cause: The passed in XMLType could not be convert to the required type
Action: Binary XMLtype instances or other objects cannot be converted to the required object or collection types.

ORA-19030: Method invalid for non-schema based XML Documents.
Cause: The method can be invoked on only schema based xmltype objects.
Action: Don't invoke the method for non schema based xmltype objects.

ORA-19031: XML element or attribute string does not match any in type string.string
Cause: The passed in XML tag does not match any in the object type
Action: Pass a valid canonical XML that can map to the given object type

ORA-19032: Expected XML tag string got string
Cause: When converting XML to object, a wrong tag name was present
Action: Pass a valid canonical XML that can map to the given object type

ORA-19033: schema specified in the XML document does not match the schema parameter
Cause: When creating schema-based XML, the schema specified in the XML document is different from the schema passed in as the 'schema' parameter.
Action: Change the schema parameter to match the schema specified in the XML document.

ORA-19034: Type not supported during schema generation
Cause: The object type contained a type that is not supported for schema generation.
Action: Use a different type or do not generate a schema.

ORA-19035: Invalid select item of the query in newContextFromHierarchy()
Cause: The query does not have a number select item followed by an XMLType select item only.
Action: Make sure the result set of the query used in the newContextFromHierarchy() must have only two selected items: the first item must be number type and the second item must be XMLType.

ORA-19036: Invalid query result set in newContextFromHierarchy()
Cause: The result set of the query used in the newContextFromHierarchy() does not have the same property as the result set generated by a CONNECT BY query.
Action: Make sure the query used in newContextFromHierarchy() is a CONNECT BY query or the query returns the result set have the same property as the result set generated by a CONNECT BY query.

ORA-19037: XMLType result can not be a fragment
Cause: The select item of the query in newContextFromHierarchy() is an XML fragment.
Action: Make sure the select item of the query in newContextFromHierarchy() is NOT an XML fragment

ORA-19038: Invalid opertions on query context
Cause: SetMaxRows, SetSkipRows, SetRowTagName opertions are applied to a query context created from newContextFromHierarchy().
Action: SetMaxRows, SetSkipRows, SetRowTagName opertions can not be applied to a query context created from newContextFromHierarchy().

ORA-19039: Keyword string reserved for future use
Cause: The keyword is reserved for future use as a builtin function.
Action: Change the name mentioned above to a different one.

ORA-19040: Element string does not match expected string.
Cause: The given XML document had a different root element than expected.
Action: Insert/Update only the XML documents that conform to that particular schema and element.

ORA-19041: Comment data cannot contain two consecutive '-'s
Cause: The given comment string expression has two consecutive '-'s.
Action: Modify comment string to eliminate one or both of the consevutive '-'s.

ORA-19042: Enclosing tag string cannot be xml in any case combination
Cause: The given enclosing tag matched 'xml' in some case combination
Action: Modify the enclosing tag so that it is not xml in any case combination.

ORA-19043: Multiply nested XMLROOT function disallowed
Cause: An XMLROOT function has an operand that is also an XMLROOT function.
Action: Modify the query so that there are no multiply nested XMLROOT functions.

ORA-19044: character length specified for XMLSerialize is too small.
Cause: An XMLSerialize function was called with a type of character type (e.g. VARCHAR2(27)), and the length specified (27 in the example) was too small.
Action: Modify the query so that the character length specified is larger.

ORA-19045: character set id specified for XMLSerialize not valid
Cause: An XMLSerialize function was called with an invalid value for the caracter set id.
Action: Modify the query so that the character set id is valid.

ORA-19100: PASSING or RETURNING keyword expected
Cause: The keyword PASSING or RETURNING was missing.
Action: Specify the PASSING or RETURNING keyword.

ORA-19101: CONTENT keyword expected
Cause: The keyword CONTENT was missing.
Action: Specify the CONTENT keyword.

ORA-19102: XQuery string literal expected
Cause: The string literal containing the XQuery expression was missing.
Action: Specify the XQuery expression as a string literal.

ORA-19103: VALUE keyword keyword
Cause: The keyword VALUE was missing.
Action: Specify the VALUE keyword.

ORA-19104: invalid XQueryX: missing attribute string
Cause: The XQueryX expression was not assigned the expected attribute.
Action: Specify a valid XQueryX.

ORA-19105: invalid XQueryX: expected text node - got string
Cause: The XQueryX expression did not contain a text node as expected.
Action: Specify a valid XQueryX.

ORA-19106: invalid XQueryX: expected string - got string
Cause: The XQueryX expression did not contain the node as expected.
Action: Specify a valid XQueryX.

ORA-19107: invalid XQueryX - unsupported construct - string
Cause: The given XQuery expression contains an unsupported construct.
Action: Specify a valid XQueryX.

ORA-19108: WHITESPACE keyword expected
Cause: The keyword WHITESPACE was missing.
Action: Specify the WHITESPACE keyword.

ORA-19109: RETURNING keyword expected
Cause: The keyword RETURNING was missing.
Action: Specify the RETURNING keyword.

ORA-19110: unsupported XQuery expression
Cause: The program specified an XQuery expression that is not supported.
Action: Rewrite the XQuery with a expression that is supported.

ORA-19111: error during evaluation of the XQuery expression
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19112: error raised during evaluation: string
Cause: The error function was called during evaluation of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19113: trace function called during evaluation: string
Cause: The trace function was called during evaluation of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the log file for the trace message.

ORA-19114: XPST0003 - error during parsing the XQuery expression: string
Cause: An error occurred during the parsing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19115: too many context items specified
Cause: More than one context item was specified as input to the XMLQuery function.
Action: Specify a single context item for the XMLQuery function.

ORA-19116: too many xmlspace declarations
Cause: The query prolog contained multiple xmlspace declarations.
Action: Remove the duplicate xmlspace declarations.

ORA-19117: XQST0070 - invalid redefinition of predefined namespace prefix 'string'
Cause: The given predefined namespace was being redefined in a namespace declaration.
Action: Remove the namespace declaration that redefines the predefined namespace prefix.

ORA-19118: XQST0066 - duplicate default namespace definition - string
Cause: More than one default namespace declaration used the given namespace URI.
Action: Remove the duplicate default namespace definition.

ORA-19121: duplicate attribute definition - string
Cause: More than one attribute with the same name.
Action: Remove the duplicate attribute definition.

ORA-19122: unsupported XQuery declaration
Cause: The program specified an XQuery declaration that is not supported.
Action: Rewrite the XQuery with a declaration that is supported.

ORA-19123: FORG0003: fn:zero-or-one() called with a sequence containing more than one item
Cause: sequence with more than one item was passed into fn:zero-or-one() function
Action: correct input argument to fn:zero-or-one() function

ORA-19124: FORG0004: fn:one-or-more() called with a sequence containing no items
Cause: sequence containing no items was passed into fn:one-or-more() function
Action: correct input argument to fn:one-or-more() function

ORA-19125: FORG0005: fn:exactly-one() called with a sequence containing zero or more than one item
Cause: sequence containing zero or more than one item was passed into fn:exactly-one() function
Action: correct input argument to fn:exactly-one() function

ORA-19126: XQuery extension expression contains neither a pragma that is recognized by the implementation nor an expression enclosed in curly braces
Cause: No expression was enclosed in curly braces for the extension expression or the pragma content was not recognized.
Action: Correct inputs to extension expression.

ORA-19127: XQST0067: XQST0067: A static error is raised if a Prolog contains more than one construction declaration
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19128: XQST0068: A static error is raised if a Prolog contains more than one boundary-space declaration
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19129: XQST0069: A static error is raised if a Prolog contains more than one empty order declaration
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19130: XQST0070: A static error is raised if the predefined namespace prefix xml or xmlns is redeclared by a namespace declaration or namespace declaration attribute
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19131: XQST0071: A static error is raised if the namespace declaration attributes of a direct element constructor do not have distinct names
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19132: XQDY0072: It is a dynamic error if the result of the content expression of a computed comment constructor contains two adjacent hyphens or ends with a hyphen
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19133: XQST0073: It is a static error if the graph of module imports contains a cycle (that is, if there exists a sequence of modules M1 ... Mn such that each Mi imports Mi+1 and Mn imports M1), unless all the modules in the cycle share a common namespace
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19134: XQDY0074: It is a dynamic error if the value of the name expression in a computed element constructor cannot be converted to an expanded QName (for example, because it contains a namespace prefix not found in statically known namespaces.)
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19135: XQST0075: An implementation that does not support the Validation Feature must raise a static error if it encounters a validate expression
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19136: XQST0076: It is a static error if a collation subclause in an order by clause of a FLWOR expression does not identify a collation that is present in statically known collations
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19137: XQST0079: It is a static error if an extension expression contains neither a pragma that is recognized by the implementation nor an expression enclosed in curly braces
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19138: The target type of a cast or castable expression must be an atomic type that is in the in-scope schema types and is not xs:NOTATION or xs:anyAtomicType, optionally followed by the occurrence indicator "?"; otherwise a static error is raised
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19139: XPST0081: It is a static error if a QName used in a query contains a namespace prefix that cannot be expanded into a namespace URI by using the statically known namespaces
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19140: XPST0083: It is a static error if the target type of a cast expression or constructor function is xs:QName or a type derived from xs:QName or xs:NOTATION, and the argument of the cast expression or constructor function is not a string literal
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19141: XQDY0084: It is a dynamic error if the element validated by a validate statement does not have a top-level element declaration in the in-scope element declarations, if validation mode is strict
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19142: FONC0001 = FONC0001: undefined context item
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19143: XQTY0086: It is a type error if the typed value of a copied element or attribute node is namespace-sensitive when construction mode is preserve and copy-namespaces mode is no-preserve
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19145: XQST0087: It is a static error if the encoding specified in a Version Declaration does not conform to the definition of EncName specified in [XML 1.0]
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19146: XQST0088: It is a static error if the literal that specifies the target namespace in a module import or a module declaration is of zero length
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19147: XQST0089: It is a static error if a variable bound in a for clause of a FLWOR expression, and its associated positional variable, do not have distinct names (expanded QNames)
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19148: XQST0090: It is a static error if a character reference does not identify a valid character in the version of XML that is in use
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19149: XQDY0091: An implementation may raise a dynamic error if an xml:id error, as defined in [XML ID], is encountered during construction of an attribute named xml:id
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19150: XQDY0092: An implementation may raise a dynamic error if a constructed attribute named xml:space has a value other than preserve or default
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19151: XQST0093: It is a static error to import a module M1 if there exists a sequence of modules M1 ... Mi ... M1 such that each module directly depends on the next module in the sequence (informally, if M1 depends on itself through some chain of module dependencies.)
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19152: FOCH0001 = FOCH0001: codepoint not valid
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19153: FOCH0002: unsupported collation
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19154: FOCH0003: unsupported normalization form
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19155: FOCH0004: collation does not support collation units
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19156: FODC0001: no context document
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19157: FODC0002: error retrieving resource
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19158: FODC0004: invalid argument to fn:collection()
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19159: FODC0005: invalid argument to fn:doc
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19160: XPST0003 - syntax error: invalid variable name string
Cause: The given XQuery variable does not begin with the '$' sign
Action: Fix the variable name to start with the "$" sign.

ORA-19161: XPTY0004 - XQuery type mismatch: invalid argument type 'string' for function 'string'
Cause: The type of the argument that was passed to the given function was not valid.
Action: Fix the argument to be of a type supported by the given function.

ORA-19162: XPTY0004 - XQuery type mismatch: invalid argument types 'string', 'string' for function 'string'
Cause: The type of the arguments that were passed to the given function was not valid.
Action: Fix the arguments to be of a type appropriate for the given function.

ORA-19163: XPTY0004 - XQuery type mismatch: argument type mismatch: expected - 'string' got - 'string' for function 'string'
Cause: The type of the arguments that were passed to the given function was not valid.
Action: Fix the arguments to be of a type appropriate for the given function.

ORA-19164: XQST0085 - It is a static error if the namespace URI in a namespace declaration attribute is a zero-length string, and the implementation does not support [XML Names 1.1].
Cause: There was a zero-length URI in namespace declaration.
Action: Fix the namespace declaration.

ORA-19165: FONS0003: no prefix defined for namespace
Cause: There was a zero-length URI in namespace declaration.
Action: Fix the namespace declaration.

ORA-19166: FONS0003: FONS0004: no namespace found for prefix
Cause: There was a zero-length URI in namespace declaration.
Action: Fix the namespace declaration.

ORA-19167: FONS0005: base uri not defined in the static context
Cause: There was a zero-length URI in namespace declaration.
Action: Fix the namespace declaration.

ORA-19168: FORG0002: invalid argument to fn:resolve-uri()
Cause: There was a zero-length URI in namespace declaration.
Action: Fix the namespace declaration.

ORA-19169: FORG0006: invalid argument type in 'string'
Cause: There was a zero-length URI in namespace declaration.
Action: Fix the namespace declaration.

ORA-19171: FORG0007: invalid argument to aggregate function
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19172: FORG0008: both arguments to fn:dateTime have a specified timezone
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19173: FORG0009: error in resolving a relative URI against a base URI in fn:resolve-uri
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19174: FORX0001: invalid regular expression flags
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19175: FORX0002: invalid regular expression
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19176: FORX0003: regular expression matches zero-length string
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19177: FORX0004: invalid replacement string
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19178: FOTY0001: type error
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19179: FOTY0011: Type error. Context item is not a node
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19180: FOTY0012: argument node does not have a typed value
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19181: FOTY0014: type exception
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19182: FORT0001: invalid number of parameters
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19183: FOTY0002: type definition not found
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19184: FOTY0021: invalid node type
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19185: FOAR0002: numeric operation overflow/unflow
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19186: FOCA0001: input value too large for decimal
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19187: FOCA0002: invalid lexical value
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19188: FOCA0003: input value too large for integer
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19189: FOCA0005: NaN supplied as float/double value
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19190: FOER0000: Unidentified error
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19191: FOAR0001: division by zero
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19192: XQST0047: It is a static error if multiple module imports in the same Prolog specify the same target namespace
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19193: XQST0045: It is a static error if the function name in a function declaration is in one of the following namespaces:,,,,
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19194: XQDY0026: It is a dynamic error if the result of the content expression of a computed processing instruction constructor contains the string "?>"
Cause: An error occurred during the processing of the XQuery expression.
Action: Check the detailed error message for the possible causes.

ORA-19200: Invalid column specification
Cause: All input arguments must be valid columns
Action: Specify a valid list of columns

ORA-19201: Datatype not supported
Cause: The particular datatype is not supported in the XMLGEN operator
Action: Specify only supported datatypes as arguments to the XMLGEN operator

ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processingstring
Cause: An error occurred when processing the XML function
Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem

ORA-19203: Error occurred in DBMS_XMLGEN processingstring
Cause: An error occurred when processing the DBMS_XMLGEN functions
Action: Check the given error message and fix the appropriate problem

ORA-19204: Non-scalar value 'string' is marked as XML attribute
Cause: Only scalar values (i.e. values which are not of object or collection type) can be marked as XML attribute,i.e. is prefixed by '@'. In this case, a non-scalar value was prefixed with '@'
Action: Remove the '@' sign, or make the value a scalar.

ORA-19205: Attribute 'string' qualifies a non-scalar value in the select list
Cause: The attribute immediately follows a value of object or collection type in the select list or type definition.
Action: Remove the '@' sign, or make the previous value a scalar.

ORA-19206: Invalid value for query or REF CURSOR parameter
Cause: The queryString argument passed to DBMS_XMLGEN.newContext was not a valid query, or REF CURSOR.
Action: Rewrite the query so that the queryString argument is a valid query or REF CURSOR.

ORA-19207: scalar parameter string of XMLELEMENT cannot have an alias.
Cause: The scalar parameter to XMLELEMENT has been qualified with an alias.
Action: Remove the AS clause of the scalar element.

ORA-19208: parameter string of function string must be aliased
Cause: The indicated parameter of the XML generation function has not been aliased, although it is an expression.
Action: Specify an alias for the expression using the AS clause.

ORA-19209: invalid or unsupported formatting argument
Cause: An invalid or unsupported formatting argument was supplied
Action: Change the formatting argument to legal supported values

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