domingo, 2 de junio de 2013

ORA Error . Listado Errores Oracle. ORA-15018 a ORA-15121

ORA-15018: diskgroup cannot be created
Cause: The specified diskgroup could not be created.
Action: Check for additional errors reported.

ORA-15019: discovered duplicate path 'string' for 'string'
Cause: The discovery encountered multiple paths to the same disk.
Action: Check that the ASM_DISKSTRING parameter specifies only a single path for each disk.

ORA-15020: discovered duplicate ASM disk "string"
Cause: The discovery encountered two disks claiming to be the same named ASM disk.
Action: Check that the ASM_DISKSTRING parameter specifies only a single path for each disk.

ORA-15021: parameter "string" is not valid in string instance
Cause: The specified parameter was not supported when starting an instance of this type.
Action: Delete the specified parameter from the INIT.ORA file.

ORA-15023: reached maximum allowable number of disks string
Cause: An attempt was made to add another disk to a diskgroup which already contains the maximum number of disks allowed.
Action: Consider dropping existing disks from the diskgroup before adding additional ones, or create a new diskgroup.

ORA-15024: discovered duplicately numbered ASM disk string
Cause: The discovery encountered two disks claiming to have the same ASM disk number.
Action: Check that the ASM_DISKSTRING parameter specifies only a single path for each disk.

ORA-15025: could not open disk 'string'
Cause: The specified disk could not be opened.
Action: Check the additional error messages, if any.

ORA-15026: disk 'string' is not an ASM disk
Cause: The disk did not contain a valid ASM disk header.
Action: Check to see if the data on the disk has been changed by some system administrator action.

ORA-15027: active use of diskgroup "string" precludes its dismount
Cause: An ALTER DISKGROUP ... DISMOUNT command specified a diskgroup which had database client instances with open files in the diskgroup. Diskgroups cannot be dismounted until all open files in the diskgroup are closed by the database client instances.
Action: Stop all clients that are using this diskgroup and retry the ALTER DISKGROUP ... DISMOUNT command. The V$ASM_CLIENT fixed view in an ASM instance provides a list of its active database client instances.

ORA-15028: ASM file 'string' not dropped; currently being accessed
Cause: An attempt was made to drop an ASM file, but the file was being accessed by one or more database instances and therefore could not be dropped.
Action: Shut down all database instances that might be accessing this file and then retry the drop command.

ORA-15029: disk 'string' is already mounted by this instance
Cause: An attempt was made to add to a diskgroup a disk that was already mounted by the current instance as part of some (possibly other) diskgroup.
Action: Specify a different disk in the command. Note that not even the FORCE option can be used to correct the situation until the diskgroup containing the disk becomes dismounted by this instance.

ORA-15030: diskgroup name "string" is in use by another diskgroup
Cause: A CREATE DISKGROUP command specfied a diskgroup name that was already assigned to another diskgroup.
Action: Select a different name for the diskgroup.

ORA-15031: disk specification 'string' matches no disks
Cause: The device specification string to a CREATE DISKGROUP command did not match any devices which could be discovered.
Action: Check the device specification string matches a disk on the system.

ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
Cause: At least one ALTER DISKGROUP action failed.
Action: Check the other messages issued along with this summary error.

ORA-15033: disk 'string' belongs to diskgroup "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to ADD to a diskgroup a disk that was already part of another diskgroup, or an attempt was made to DROP / OFFLINE / ONLINE / CHECK a disk that was not part of the specified diskgroup.
Action: For ADD, check the path specifier for the disk. If it is certain that the disk is not in use by another diskgroup, the FORCE option may be used to override this check. For the other commands, check the name of the specified disk.

ORA-15034: disk 'string' does not require the FORCE option
Cause: An attempt was made to add the disk to the diskgroup using the FORCE option. The disk was not found to be in use at the present time, so the FORCE option was not permitted.
Action: Avoid gratuitous use of the FORCE option.

ORA-15035: no disks belong to diskgroup "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to mount a diskgroup for which no member disks were discovered.
Action: Specify a valid diskgroup name that contains disks.

ORA-15036: disk 'string' is truncated
Cause: The size of the disk, as reported by the operating system, was smaller than the size of the disk as recorded in the disk header block on the disk.
Action: Check if the system configuration has changed.

ORA-15037: disk 'string' is smaller than mimimum of string MBs
Cause: The size of the disk, as reported by the operating system, was too small to allow the disk to become part of the diskgroup.
Action: Check if the system configuration is correct.

ORA-15038: disk 'string' size mismatch with diskgroup [string] [string] [string]
Cause: An attempt was made to mount into a diskgroup a disk whose recorded allocation unit size, metadata block size, or physical sector size was inconsistent with the other diskgroup members.
Action: Check if the system configuration has changed.

ORA-15039: diskgroup not dropped
Cause: An attempt to drop a diskgroup failed.
Action: See the associated messages for details about why the drop was not successful.

ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
Cause: Some of the disks comprising a diskgroup were not present.
Action: Check the hardware to ensure that all disks are functional. Also check that the setting of the ASM_DISKSTRING initialization parameter has not changed. Alternatively, for normal or high redundancy diskgroups, use MOUNT FORCE to offline missing disks as part of mounting the diskgroup.

ORA-15041: diskgroup space exhausted
Cause: The diskgroup ran out of space.
Action: Add more disks to the diskgroup, or delete some existing files.

ORA-15042: ASM disk "string" is missing
Cause: The specified disk, which is a necessary part of a diskgroup, could not be found on the system.
Action: Check the hardware configuration.

ORA-15043: ASM disk "string" is not a diskgroup member
Cause: The specified disk has been removed from the diskgroup, but a disk matching its name was found.
Action: Check the hardware configuration.

ORA-15044: ASM disk 'string' is incorrectly named
Cause: Either the specified disk had its contents changed such that it no longer contained an ASM disk name in its header that matches the diskgroup information or its FAILGROUP information may have become inconsistent.
Action: Drop the disk from the diskgroup.

ORA-15045: ASM file name 'string' is not in reference form
Cause: The ASM file name was not in a form that can be used to reference an existing file because a file/incarnation number or an alias name was not present or a template name was included.
Action: Correct the specified ASM file name.

ORA-15046: ASM file name 'string' is not in single-file creation form
Cause: The ASM file name was not in a form that can be used to create an single file because a file/incarnation number was present.
Action: Correct the specified ASM file name.

ORA-15047: ASM file name 'string' is not in multiple-file creation form
Cause: The ASM file name was not in a form that can be used to create multiple files because either a fully-qualified file name or an alias name was present.
Action: Correct the specified ASM file name.

ORA-15048: ASM internal files cannot be deleted
Cause: An attempt was made to delete a metadata file used by ASM to manage the diskgroup.
Action: Check the specified ASM file name.

ORA-15049: diskgroup "string" contains string error(s)
Cause: Errors were discovered by the ALTER DISKGROUP CHECK command.
Action: See the alert log for details of the errors.

ORA-15050: disk "string" contains string error(s)
Cause: Errors were discovered by the ALTER DISKGROUP CHECK DISK command.
Action: See the alert log for details of the errors.

ORA-15051: file 'string' contains string error(s)
Cause: Errors were discovered by the ALTER DISKGROUP CHECK FILE command.
Action: See the alert log for details of the errors.

ORA-15052: ASM file name 'string' is not in diskgroup "string"
Cause: The ASM file name did not contain a diskgroup name that specified the correct diskgroup as implied by the other arguments to the command.
Action: Correct the specified ASM file name or diskgroup name.

ORA-15053: diskgroup "string" contains existing files
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a diskgroup that still contains existing files.
Action: Specify the INCLUDING CONTENTS option to drop the diskgroup and all of its existing files.

ORA-15054: disk "string" does not exist in diskgroup "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to DROP (or CHECK) a disk that is not part of the specified diskgroup.
Action: Check the name of the specified disk and the specified diskgroup.

ORA-15055: unable to connect to ASM instance
Cause: The RDBMS instance was unable to connect to the required ASM instance when accessing a disk group.
Action: Check the additional error messages. May need to configure correct ASM sid or make sure the RDBMS instance has OS privileges for ASM SYSDBA.

ORA-15056: additional error message
Cause: An operating system error occured.
Action: Correct the operating system error and retry the operation.

ORA-15057: specified size of string MB is larger than actual size of string MB
Cause: A disk size expression exceeded the amount of storage actually availalable, as reported by the operating system.
Action: Specify a valid size.

ORA-15058: disk 'string' belongs to an incompatible diskgroup
Cause: An attempt was made to ADD to a diskgroup a disk which was already part of another diskgroup. The other diskgroup was written by a more recent software release.
Action: Check the path specifier for the disk. If it is certain that the disk is not in use by another diskgroup, the FORCE option may be used to override this check.

ORA-15059: invalid device type for ASM disk
Cause: The device type of the discovered disk was not valid for use as an ASM disk.
Action: Check the file path and retry or exclude it from the discovery set. See the accompanying operating system error for additional information.

ORA-15060: template "string" does not exist
Cause: A command specified a template name, either directly or as part of an ASM file name, which did not exist.
Action: Check the template specifier in the command.

ORA-15061: ASM operation not supported [string]
Cause: An ASM operation was attempted that is invalid or not supported by this version of the ASM instance.
Action: This is an internal error code that is used for maintaining compatibility between software versions and should never be visible to the user; contact Oracle support Services.

ORA-15062: ASM disk is globally closed
Cause: The disk to which the I/O request was issued has gone offline or has been globally closed by the background process. Check other messages in the trace files for more information.
Action: Bring the disk online for I/Os to get through.

ORA-15063: ASM discovered an insufficient number of disks for diskgroup "string"
Cause: ASM was unable to find a sufficient number of disks belonging to the diskgroup to continue the operation.
Action: Check that the disks in the diskgroup are present and functioning, that the owner of the ORACLE binary has read/write permission to the disks, and that the ASM_DISKSTRING initialization parameter has been set correctly. Verify that ASM discovers the appropriate disks by querying V$ASM_DISK from the ASM instance.

ORA-15064: communication failure with ASM instance
Cause: There was a failure to communicate with the ASM instance, most likely because the connection went down.
Action: Check the accompanying error messages for more information on the reason for the failure. Note that database instances will always return this error when the ASM instance is terminated abnormally.

ORA-15065: hash collision for diskgroup names 'string' and 'string'
Cause: There was a collision in the group name used for the diskgroup. The diskgroup(s) cannot be mounted using colliding names.
Action: Use a different diskgroup name and also report to Oracle Support Services the two diskgroup names which collided.

ORA-15066: offlining disk "string" may result in a data loss
Cause: Following I/O failures, the disks holding all copies of a data block were attempted to be taken offline.
Action: Check the accompanying error messages for more information on the reason for the disk I/O failures.

ORA-15067: command or option incompatible with diskgroup redundancy
Cause: An attempt was made to use a feature which is not permitted by the diskgroup's redundancy policy. Common examples are forcibly dropping a disk from an EXTERNAL REDUNDANCY diskgroup, using the FAILGROUP clauses with an EXTERNAL REDUNDANCY diskgroup, or using invalid template attributes.
Action: Omit the option from the command.

ORA-15068: maximum number of diskgroups string already mounted
Cause: An attempt was made to mount more diskgroups than the instance is capable of mounting at one time.
Action: Dismount a mounted diskgroup and retry the command.

ORA-15069: ASM file 'string' not accessible; timed out waiting for lock
Cause: An attempt was made to access an ASM file, but the file is currently being created, resized, or deleted and therefore cannot be accessed.
Action: No action required, or try again later, after the create or resize has completed.

ORA-15070: maximum number of files string exceeded in diskgroup "string"
Cause: The diskgroup ran out of space.
Action: Delete some existing ASM files or create files in a new diskgroup.

ORA-15071: ASM disk "string" is already being dropped
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a disk from a diskgroup that was already in the process of being dropped from the diskgroup. Alternatively, an attempt was made to forcibly drop a disk from a diskgroup using the FORCE option that was already being forcibly dropped from the diskgroup.
Action: Check the ASM disk name and FORCE option as specified in the command.

ORA-15072: command requires at least string failure groups, discovered only string
Cause: An attempt was made to create either a normal redundancy diskgroup for which fewer than two failure groups were both specified and discovered, or a high redundancy diskgroup for which fewer than three failure groups were both specified and discovered.
Action: Check the that the command does specify the required number of failure groups, and that all of the specified disks are discovered by ASM. A query of the V$ASM_DISK fixed view will show which disks are discovered by ASM.

ORA-15073: diskgroup string is mounted by another ASM instance
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a diskgroup that is still mounted somewhere in the cluster by another instance.
Action: dismount the diskgroup from all nodes except the one performing the drop diskgroup command.

ORA-15074: diskgroup string requires rebalance completion
Cause: An attempt was made to repeatedly add or drop disks from a diskgroup. ASM could not perform the operation given the current state of the diskgroup.
Action: Manually invoke the ALTER DISKGROUP REBALANCE command and allow the rebalance to run to completion. Alternatively, invoke the ALTER DISKGROUP UNDROP DISKS command and allow the rebalance to run to completion. After the rebalance has completed, retry the operation.

ORA-15075: disk(s) are not visible cluster-wide
Cause: An ALTER DISKGROUP ADD DISK command specified a disk that could not be discovered by one or more nodes in a RAC cluster configuration.
Action: Determine which disks are causing the problem from the GV$ASM_DISK fixed view. Check operating system permissions for the device and the storage sub-system configuration on each node in a RAC cluster that cannot identify the disk.

ORA-15076: Emulating I/O errors on the OSM disk
Cause: The disk to which the I/O request was issued is in an error emulation mode.
Action: Bring the disk online for I/Os to get through.

ORA-15077: could not locate ASM instance serving a required diskgroup
Cause: The instance failed to perform the specified operation because it could not locate a required ASM instance.
Action: Start an ASM instance and mount the required diskgroup.

ORA-15078: ASM diskgroup was forcibly dismounted
Cause: The diskgroup to which the I/O request was issued was forcibly dismounted (with the ALTER DISKGROUP DISMOUNT FORCE command) so that it could not be accessed.
Action: Mount the diskgroup to allow access again.

ORA-15079: ASM file is closed
Cause: The file to which the I/O request was issued was closed. This could have been a consequence of the diskgroup being dismounted.
Action: Make sure the diskgroup is mounted and the file is open.

ORA-15080: synchronous I/O operation to a disk failed
Cause: A synchronous I/O operation invoked on a disk has failed.
Action: Make sure that all the disks are operational.

ORA-15081: failed to submit an I/O operation to a disk
Cause: A submission of an I/O operation to a disk has failed.
Action: Make sure that all the disks are operational.

ORA-15082: ASM failed to communicate with database instance
Cause: There was a failure when ASM tried to communicate with a database instance (most likely because the connection went down).
Action: Check the accompanying error messages for more information on the reason for the failure. Note that the ASM instances may return this error when a database instance is terminated abnormally.

ORA-15083: failed to communicate with ASMB background process
Cause: A database instance failed to communicate with its ASMB background process when attempting to access an ASM file.
Action: Check the alert log for more information on the reason for the failure.

ORA-15084: ASM disk "string" is offline and cannot be dropped.
Cause: An attempt was made to drop a disk that is offline.
Action: Check the ASM disk name as specified in the command; or, if needed, use the DROP DISK FORCE option.

ORA-15090: handle string is not a valid descriptor
Cause: The file handle was not valid in this session.
Action: Submit a handle obtained from a successful call to DBMS_DISKGROUP.OPEN().

ORA-15091: operation incompatible with open handle in this session
Cause: The current session contained an open handle from the DBMS_DISKGROUP PL/SQL package which precluded performing the command.
Action: Close the hanlde with DBMS_DISKGROUP.CLOSE() before executing the command, or execute the command in a different session.

ORA-15092: I/O request size string is not a multiple of logical block size string
Cause: The length of the request was not a multiple of logical block size.
Action: Correct the error and retry the operation.

ORA-15093: buffer only contains string bytes, I/O requested is string bytes
Cause: The buffer supplied for write was too small to satisfy the request.
Action: Correct the error and retry the operation.

ORA-15094: attempted to write to file opened in read only mode
Cause: The file handle passed to DBMS_DISKGROUP.WRITE() did not have write privileges.
Action: Obtain a file handle in read-write mode and retry the write operation.

ORA-15095: reached maximum ASM file size (string GB)
Cause: An ASM file creation or file resize operation exceeded the maximum file size permitted by ASM.
Action: Use smaller files.

ORA-15096: lost disk write detected
Cause: A failure either by disk hardware or disk software caused a disk write to to be lost, even though ASM received acknowledgement that the write completed. Alternatively, a clustering hardware failure or a clustering software failure resulted in an ASM instance believing that another ASM instance had crashed, when in fact it was still active.
Action: The disk group is corrupt and cannot be recovered. The disk group must be recreated, and its contents restored from backups.

ORA-15097: cannot SHUTDOWN ASM instance with connected RDBMS instance
Cause: A SHUTDOWN command was issued to an ASM instance that had one or more connected RDBMS instances.
Action: Connect to each RDBMS instance and shut it down, and then reissue the SHUTDOWN command to the ASM instance. Alternatively, use the SHUTDOWN ABORT command. Note that issuing the SHUTDOWN ABORT command to an ASM instance results in abormal termination of all RDBMS instances connected to that ASM instance.

ORA-15098: file type not recognized by ASM instance
Cause: An attempt was made by DB instance to create a file for a file type that is not recognized by current version of ASM instance.
Action: Upgrade ASM to higher version that recognizes this file type.

ORA-15099: disk 'string' is larger than maximum size of string MBs
Cause: The specified size of the disk was too big to allow the disk to become part of the diskgroup.
Action: Specify a smaller disk size than the maximum allowed size.

ORA-15100: invalid or missing diskgroup name
Cause: The command did not specify a valid diskgroup name.
Action: Specify a valid diskgroup name.

ORA-15101: no action specified
Cause: The ALTER DISKGROUP command did not specify any alterations.
Action: Specify at least one operation clause.

ORA-15102: invalid POWER expression
Cause: The syntax of the POWER expression was invalid.
Action: Specify a valid POWER expression.

ORA-15103: conflicting or duplicate REPAIR options
Cause: The command specified conflicting or duplicate REPAIR keywords.
Action: Specify only one REPAIR action.

ORA-15104: conflicting CONTENTS options
Cause: The command specified conflicting or duplicate INCLUDING CONTENTS or EXCLUDING CONTENTS options.
Action: Specify only one option.

ORA-15105: missing or invalid FAILGROUP name
Cause: The command did not specify a valid failure group name.
Action: Specify a valid failure group name.

ORA-15106: missing or invalid operating system disk locator string
Cause: The command did not specify a valid operating system path for the device as a string.
Action: Specify a valid operating system path for the device.

ORA-15107: missing or invalid ASM disk name
Cause: The command did not specify a valid ASM disk name identifier.
Action: Specify a valid ASM disk name identifier.

ORA-15108: missing or invalid template name
Cause: The command did not specify a valid template name identifier.
Action: Specify a valid template name identifier.

ORA-15109: conflicting protection attributes specified
Cause: The command contained an invalid combination of the UNPROTECTED, MIRROR, or PARITY keywords.
Action: Specify only one keyword.

ORA-15110: no diskgroups mounted
Cause: No diskgroups were specified in the ASM_DISKGROUPS parameter, so instance startup or the ALTER DISKGROUP ALL MOUNT command did not mount any diskgroups.
Action: Specify valid diskgroups in the ASM_DISKGROUPS parameter or ignore the error.

ORA-15111: conflicting or duplicate STRIPE options
Cause: The command contained both a FINE and COARSE keyword, or contained the FINE keyword more than once, or contained the COARSE keyword more than once.
Action: Specify only one keyword.

ORA-15112: no diskgroups currently mounted
Cause: An ALTER DISKGROUP ALL command did not find any mounted diskgroups upon which to operate. Either instance shutdown or an ALTER DISKGROUP ALL DISMOUNT command did not dismount any diskgroups, or an ALTER DISKGROUP ALL UNDROP DISKS command did not undrop any disks.
Action: Mount the diskgroups on which you wish to operate or ignore the error.

ORA-15113: alias name 'string' refers to a directory
Cause: The name specified referred to a directory in the alias directory and not a valid alias entry.
Action: Check the alias name and retry.

ORA-15114: missing or invalid ASM file name
Cause: The command did not specify a valid ASM file name identifier.
Action: Specify a valid ASM file name identifier.

ORA-15115: missing or invalid ASM disk size specifier
Cause: The command did not specify a valid ASM disk size.
Action: Specify a valid ASM disk size.

ORA-15116: invalid combination of ALTER DISKGROUP options
Cause: The ALTER DISKGROUP options may not be combined in this manner.
Action: Issue separate ALTER DISKGROUP commands to accomplish the desired action.

ORA-15117: command only operates on one diskgroup
Cause: An ALTER DISKGROUP, CREATE DISKGROUP, or DROP DISKGROUP command specified a list of diskgroups or the keyword ALL in a context where only a single diskgroup was permitted.
Action: Issue separate ALTER DISKGROUP, CREATE DISKGROUP, or DROP DISKGROUP commands to accomplish the desired action.

ORA-15120: ASM file name 'string' does not begin with the ASM prefix character
Cause: A file name was specified to ASM which did not begin with the ASM prefix character (currently '+'). ASM uses the prefix to determine that a file specification is in fact an ASM file.
Action: Correct the file name specification.

ORA-15121: ASM file name 'string' contains an invalid diskgroup name
Cause: A file name was specified that did not contain a valid diskgroup name. The diskgroup name follows immediately after the ASM prefix character. It must start with an alphabetic character, and consist of up to 30 characters which are alphabetic, numeric, or the characters '$' and '_'.
Action: Correct the file name specification.

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