viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

ORA Error . Listado Errores Oracle. ORA-13648 a ORA-13851

ORA-13648: The specified execution type does not exist for this advisor.
Cause: You attempted to use an advisor task execution type using a name that did not exist.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.

ORA-13649: The type of execution is not specified for this advisor or task.
Cause: You attempted to execute a task for a multi-execution task advisor without specifying the type of execution to perform.
Action: Set the execution type and retry the operation.

ORA-13650: The specified object does not exist for this execution.
Cause: You attempted to associate an object to a task execution that id not contain the object.
Action: Adjust the execution name and object ID, and then retry the operation.

ORA-13651: The specified list of execution parameters is invalid.
Cause: The list did not include pairs of (parameter_name, parameter_value) where every parameter is a valide task parameter. Duplicates are not allowed.
Action: Adjust the content of the list, and then retry the operation.

ORA-13652: Cannot set execution parameters for this advisor
Cause: You attempted to set execution parameters for an advisor that did not support multiple executions of its tasks.
Action: Adjust the property of the advisor, and then retry the operation.

ORA-13653: The directive with definition id string was not found.
Cause: An invalid directive identifier was specified to advisor framework.
Action: User should specify a correct identifier number and retry the operation.

ORA-13654: The directive with instance id of string was not found.
Cause: An invalid instance identifier was specified to advisor framework.
Action: User should specify a correct instance identifier number and retry the operation.

ORA-13655: The directive document contains a syntax error and cannot be loaded.
Cause: An attempt was made to load an XML-based directive that does not conform to the documented DTD.
Action: Reformat the directive according the documented DTD.

ORA-13656: The parameter was not found in directive string.
Cause: The specified parameter name could not be located within the directive XML document.
Action: Verify the existence of the parameter in the specified directive.

ORA-13657: The filter Xpath specification has invalid syntax.
Cause: The specified filter could not be compiled within the directive XML document.
Action: Verify the syntax of the filter and retry the operation.

ORA-13658: The specified directive already has an instance
Cause: An attempt was made to create multiple instances of a directive when not permitted
Action: Verify the parent directive identifier and the instance name.

ORA-13659: A directive with domain "string" and name "string" already exists for advisor string.
Cause: The specified directive is not unique among the directives.
Action: Choose a directive name and domain that is distinct for the associated advisor.

ORA-13660: A directive instance with the name "string" already exists.
Cause: The specified directive instance is not unique among instances for this directive.
Action: Choose an instance name that is distinct for the associated directive.

ORA-13661: A directive instance with the name "string" was not found.
Cause: An attempt was made to update or delete a non-existent directive instance.
Action: Verify the parent directive identifier and the instance name.

ORA-13662: The specified value provided for parameter string is not valid for this task.
Cause: The supplied parameter value was not valid for the current task configuration.
Action: Retry by supplying valid value. Check the current task configuration.

ORA-13663: The task string contains no results for execution string.
Cause: An attempt was made to create a report or script from an execution that had not been successfully completed.
Action: Run a new execution and then retry the operation.

ORA-13664: A task-managed "SQL Tuning Set" already exists for task "string".
Cause: An attempt was made to create a task-managed SQL Tuning Set for a task that already had one.
Action: Create a new task to use a different SQL Tuning Set.

ORA-13665: Execution names are not correctly ordered.
Cause: The supplied execution names were not properly ordered by execution start date.
Action: Retry by supplying a valid order.

ORA-13666: Task ID string does not exist.
Cause: The supplied task ID was invalid.
Action: Check the task ID and try again.

ORA-13667: Execution ID string does not exist.
Cause: The supplied execution ID was invalid.
Action: Check the execution ID and try again.

ORA-13668: The current operation was aborted because it was blocking another session.
Cause: The task or object operation interrupted itself when it detected that it was blocking some other session.
Action: Retry the operation when the conflicting operations are not running.

ORA-13699: Advisor feature is not currently implemented.
Cause: An attempt was made to execute an unsupported advisor operation.
Action: Verify the availability of the operation.

ORA-13701: Snapshot pair [string, string] seems to be specified in reverse order.
Cause: The start snapshot id was greater than the end snapshot id.
Action: Swap the start and end snapshot ids.

ORA-13702: Snapshot IDs specified by the range [string, string] are equal.
Cause: The start snapshot id and end snapshot id were identical.
Action: Provide different start and end snapshot ids.

ORA-13703: The snapshot pair [string, string] for database_id string and instance_id string are not found in the current repository.
Cause: The snapshot ids or the database id or the instance id was invalid or the specified snapshots have already been purged.
Action: Set valid snapshot ids and retry.

ORA-13704: Invalid value "string" specified for parameter "string".
Cause: The parameter was not set before executing the ADDM.
Action: Set the parameter to a valid value and retry.

ORA-13705: There was a instance shutdown/startup between the snapshots in the range [string, string].
Cause: Instance was shut down and restarted between the two specified snapshots.
Action: Specify start and end snapshot ids that does not have a shutdown/startup in between them.

ORA-13706: Invalid value "string" specified for parameter "string" in "string" analysis mode.
Cause: The parameter was not set to an acceptable value for this particular mode of analysis.
Action: Set the parameter to a valid value and retry.

ORA-13707: Either the start snapshot string or the end snapshot string is incomplete or missing key statistics.
Cause: Either the start or the end snaphots was missing or purged or had encountered errors while creating them.
Action: Verify that AWR is done taking these two snapshots, or Look in DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR to find what tables are missing in the start/end snapshots. Use the ERROR_NUMBER column in that view together with the alert log to identify the reason for failure and take necessary action to prevent such failures in the future. Try running ADDM on a different snapshot range that has valid start and end snapshots.

ORA-13708: Some snapshots in the range [string, string] were purged before the analysis was complete.
Cause: One or both of the snapshots have been purged from AWR.
Action: Verify that the AWR auto purging is not trying to purge these snapshots and re-run ADDM.

ORA-13709: Required parameter "string" must be set before execution.
Cause: The parameter needs to be set before running the ADDM
Action: Set the parameter to a valid value and retry.

ORA-13710: Parameter "string" must have a higher value than parameter "string". The values supplied were "string" and "string" respectively.
Cause: Invalid interaction between two parameter values.
Action: Set at least one of the values so the value of the first parameter is higher than the value of the second parameter.

ORA-13711: Some snapshots in the range [string, string] are missing key statistics.
Cause: Some AWR tables encountered errors while creating one or more snapshots in the given range. The data present in one or more of these missing tables is necessary to perform an ADDM analysis.
Action: Look in DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR to find what tables are missing in the given snapshot range. Use the ERROR_NUMBER column in that view together with the alert log to identify the reason for failure and take necessary action to prevent such failures in the future. Try running ADDM on a different snapshot range that does not include any incomplete snapshots.

ORA-13712: Cannot perform ADDM analysis on AWR snapshots from previous releases. Snapshot version "string" do not match the database version "string".
Cause: ADDM analysis can only be performed on AWR snapshots taken in the current release.
Action: One can still generate AWR and ASH reports using ?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt and ?/rdbms/admin/ashrpt on these snapshots to analyze the data in them.

ORA-13713: Finding name "string" does not exist. Look in DBA_ADVISOR_FINDING_NAMES for all valid values
Cause: Attempt to refer to an advisor's finding name that does not exist.
Action: Specify a valid value. The list of all valid values is in DBA_ADVISOR_FINDING_NAMES

ORA-13714: "string" is not a valid SQL_ID value
Cause: The specified value of SQL_ID was not properly formatted.
Action: Specify a valid value consisting of a 13 character string with characters from '0' to '9' and from 'a' to 'z'.

ORA-13715: "string" is not recognized by ADDM as a parameter name
Cause: The specified value for a system parameter was not recognized by ADDM.
Action: Specify a value that appears in the NAME column of V$PARAMETER.

ORA-13716: Diagnostic Package License is needed for using this feature.
Cause: The specified value for system parameter CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS indicated that the Diagnostic Package was disabled.
Action: Modify the parameter value if the Diagnostic Package License was purchased.

ORA-13717: Tuning Package License is needed for using this feature.
Cause: The specified value for system parameter CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS indicated that the Tuning Package was disabled.
Action: Modify the parameter value if the Tuning Package License was purchased.

ORA-13718: Tuning Package License or Real Application Testing Option is needed for using this feature.
Cause: The specified package license and option were not installed.
Action: Consider purchasing and installing either the missing package licence or option. If the tuning package license was purchased, then check the value of system parameter CONTROL_MANAGEMENT_PACK_ACCESS.

ORA-13750: User "string" has not been granted the "ADMINISTER SQL TUNING SET" privilege.
Cause: The user attempted an SQL Tuning Set operation that requires a specific privilege.
Action: Adjust the user's privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13751: "SQL Tuning Set" "string" does not exist for owner "string" or user "string" does not have permission to access the "SQL Tuning Set".
Cause: The user attempted to access a SQL Tuning Set that does not exist or the user does have permission to access the SQL Tuning Set
Action: Check the existence of the "SQL Tuning Set" or adjust the user's privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13752: User "string" must be SYS or must have the "ADMINISTER ANY SQL TUNING SET" privilege.
Cause: The attempted to create a SQL Tuning Set in another schema without having the right privilege.
Action: Connect as SYS or adjust the user's privilege and retry the operation.

ORA-13753: "SQL Tuning Set" "string" already exists for user "string".
Cause: The user attempted to create a "\SQL Tuning"\ Set using a name that already exists for that owner.
Action: Change the name of the SQL Tuning Set and retry the operation.

ORA-13754: "SQL Tuning Set" "string" does not exist for user "string".
Cause: The user attempted to access a SQL Tuning Set that does not exist.
Action: Check the speelling of the SQL Tuning Set name and retry the operation.

ORA-13755: invalid "SQL Tuning Set" name
Cause: The user attempted to specify a SQL Tuning Set name that is invalid. A name must not contain wildcards and its length must be less than 30 characters.
Action: Adjust the name and retry the operation.

ORA-13756: Cannot update attribute "string".
Cause: The user attempted to update an attribute element that cannot be modified. The only string attributes that can be updated are MODULE, ACTION, PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME, PRIORITY, and OTHER.
Action: Adjust the attribute name and retry the operation.

ORA-13757: "SQL Tuning Set" "string" owned by user "string" is active.
Cause: The user attempted to update an active SQL Tuning Set.
Action: Remove all reference to the SQL Tuning Set and retry the operation.

ORA-13758: "SQL Tuning Set" "string" owned by user "string" is in use.
Cause: The user attempted to modify a SQL Tuning Set or to add a reference to a SQL Tuning Set which is in use.
Action: Wait until the end of the previous operation and retry.

ORA-13759: User "string" cannot remove reference "string".
Cause: The user attempted to remove a SQL Tuning Set reference that does not exist. The user might not own the reference.
Action: Check the reference ID and the reference owner and retry the operation.

ORA-13761: invalid filter
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a data source using an invalid filter. A filter is a WHERE clause on data source content.
Action: Correct the filter and retry the operation.

ORA-13762: The string ranking measure is invalid.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a data source using an invlaid ranking measure. A ranking measure must represent a valid numerical expression.
Action: Correct the ranking measure and retry the operation.

ORA-13763: illegal ranking attribute "string"
Cause: The user attempted to use an attribute element that is not allowed in a ranking meseare.
Action: Check the attribute in the ranking meseare and retry the operation.

ORA-13764: Value "string" is illegal as a result percentage.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a SQL Tuning Set using an invalid result percentage. The result percentage must be between 0 and 1.
Action: Correct the result percentage value and retry the operation.

ORA-13765: Value "string" is illegal for a result limit.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a SQL Tuning Set using an invalid result limit. A result limit must be a positive interger.
Action: Correct the result limit value and retry the operation.

ORA-13766: A ranking measure is required.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from a SQL Tuning Set using a percentage argument without specifying a ranking measure.
Action: Add a ranking measure or remove the percentage argument and retry the operation.

ORA-13767: End snapshot ID must be greater than begin snapshot ID.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from the workload repository using an invalid snaphot ID range.
Action: Adjust the snapshot ID range and retry the operation.

ORA-13768: Snapshot ID must be between string and string.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from the workload repository using a snaphot ID which does not exist.
Action: Adjust the snapshot ID and retry the operation.

ORA-13769: Snapshots string and string do not exist.
Cause: The user attempted to select data from the workload repository using snapshots that do not exist.
Action: Check the snapshot identifiers and retry the operation.

ORA-13770: Baseline "string" does not exist.
Cause: The user attempted to access a baseline that does not exsit.
Action: Check the speelling of the baseline name and retry the operation.

ORA-13771: cannot obtain exclusive lock string on "SQL Tuning Set" "string" owned by user "string"
Cause: Unexpected error from DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST.
Action: This error should not normally occur. Check your system for anomalies and retry the operation. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13772: unexpected deadlock on "SQL Tuning Set" "string" owned by user "string"
Cause: Unexpected error from DBMS_LOCK.REQUEST
Action: This error should not normally occur. Check your system for anomalies and retry the operation. If this error persists, contact Oracle Support Services.

ORA-13773: insufficient privileges to select data from the cursor cache
Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation without having the appropriate privileges on V$SQL and V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE.
Action: Adjust the user's privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13774: insufficient privileges to select data from the workload repository
Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation without having the appropriate privileges on views DBA_HIST_BASELINE, DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT, DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT, DBA_HIST_SQLBIND, DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV, and DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT.
Action: Adjust the user's privileges and retry the operation.

ORA-13775: inconsistent datatype in input cursor
Cause: The user attempted to load a SQL Tuning Set using an invalid input cursor. All rows in the cursor must match type SQLSET_ROW.
Action: Check the rows type in the cursor and retry the operation.

ORA-13776: User "string" has not been granted the "SELECT" privilege on the "SQL tuning set" DBA views.
Cause: The user attempted to read a SQL tuning set belonging to someone else without having SELECT privilege on the DBA views
Action: User should be granted the privilege or only access his own STS

ORA-13777: invalid list of attribute names
Cause: The user specified an attribute element that is not valid. The only attributes that can be selected are NULL, BASIC, TYPICAL, ALL or a comma separated list of the names including EXECUTION_STATISTICS, OBJECT_LIST, BIND_LIST and SQL_PLAN.
Action: Adjust the attribute list and retry the operation.

ORA-13778: no new name or owner specified for "SQL Tuning Set"
Cause: The user attempted to call remap_stgtab_sqlset without specifying either a new SQL tuning set name or a new SQL tuning set owner
Action: Specify at least one or the other argument as non-NULL

ORA-13779: invalid load option
Cause: The user attempted to call load_sqlset with a load option that is different than INSERT, UPDATE and MERGE.
Action: Adjust the load option and retry the operation.

ORA-13780: SQL statement does not exist.
Cause: The user attempted to tune a SQL statement that does not exist.
Action: Verify the sql_id and the plan hash value of the statement and retry the operation.

ORA-13781: cannot perform test-execute and explain plan operations on the automatic SQL tuning task
Cause: The user attempted to test-execute or generate explain plans for a SQL workload using the automatic SQL tuning task.
Action: Verify the name of the tuning task and retry the operation.

ORA-13783: invalid tuning scope
Cause: The user attempted to specify a tuning task scope that is invalid. The possible values are LIMITED or COMPREHENSIVE.
Action: Check the scope value and retry the operation.

ORA-13784: cannot accept SQL profiles for all statements in the "string"
Cause: An attempt was made to accept SQL profiles for all statements in the input workload.
Action: Provide the object identifier corresponding to a statement in the workload and retry the operation.

ORA-13785: missing target object for tuning task "string"
Cause: The user attempted to perform an operation on a task without specifying a target object or by using an invalid object identifier.
Action: Check the identifier of the object and retry the operation.

ORA-13786: missing SQL text of statement object "string" for tuning task "string"
Cause: The user attempted to accept SQL profile for an object that has not a SQL text associated to it.
Action: Check the identifier of the object and retry the operation.

ORA-13787: missing SQL profile for statement object "string" for tuning task "string"
Cause: The user attempted to accept a SQL profile for an object that has not a SQL profile associated to it.
Action: Check the identifier of the object and retry the operation.

ORA-13788: invalid recommendation type
Cause: The user passed an invalid recommendation type in the rec_type argument to script_tuning_task. Possible values are ALL or any subset of a comma-separated list of PROFILES, STATISTICS and INDEXES.
Action: Check the rec_type arg and retry the operation.

ORA-13789: invalid process action
Cause: The user passed an invalid action to process a SQL statement. Possible value is any subset of a comma-seperated list of EXECUTE and EXPLAIN_PLAN.
Action: Check the action argument and retry the operation.

ORA-13790: invalid value for time limit
Cause: The user passed an invalid value for the time limit argument.
Action: Check the argument specified value and retry the operation.

ORA-13791: cannot resume a task created to process a single statement
Cause: An attempt was made to resume a task that was created for a single SQL statement. A task can be resumed only if it is used for a SQL Tuning Set.
Action: No action required.

ORA-13793: invalid comparison metric
Cause: An invalid metric to compare SQL performance was specified.
Action: s.

ORA-13794: execution type mismatch
Cause: An attempt was made to analyze the performance of a SQL workload using two executions that were generated using two different
Action: check the name and type of task executions to analyze and retry the operation.

ORA-13795: missing task execution
Cause: An insufficient number of valid task executions to analyze the performance of a SQL workload were specified.
Action: run the task to generate two executions of the same type and retry the operation.

ORA-13796: invalid value string specified for problem type
Cause: An invalid problem type was specified to the SQL diagnosis advisor. Problem type should be one of the PROBLEM_TYPE_* defined in 'admin/dbmsdiag.sql'.
Action: Specify valid problem type.

ORA-13797: invalid SQL Id specified, string
Cause: Invalid SQL Id specified for conversion.
Action: Specify valid SQL Id.

ORA-13798: Parameter string cannot be NULL.
Cause: A call to GET_THRESHOLD procedure was made without a required parameter.
Action: Specify a valid value for this parameter.

ORA-13799: threshold not found
Cause: No threshold was found with the specified threshold key.
Action: No action required.

ORA-13800: concurrent DDL failure on SQL repository objects
Cause: A SQL repository object was the target of two concurrent DDL operations.
Action: Check the current state of the object and retry the operation that failed.

ORA-13801: invalid value for SQLTUNE_CATEGORY parameter
Cause: An invalid Oracle identifier was used as the value of the parameter.
Action: Specify the parameter conforming to the rules for Oracle identifiers.

ORA-13802: failed to purge SQL Tuning Base entry from sql$
Cause: An error occured while try to delete a SQL Tuning Base object.
Action: Look at the underlying error(s) on the error stack.

ORA-13825: missing SQL statement text for create SQL profile
Cause: No SQL text was provided to the create SQL profile operation.
Action: Retry with properly specified SQL text.

ORA-13826: empty SQL profile not allowed for create or update SQL profile
Cause: No attributes were specified to the create SQL profile operation.
Action: Retry with at least one hint specified.

ORA-13827: null or zero length attribute specified in SQL profile collection
Cause: One of the attributes within the SQL profile was not properly specified.
Action: Retry with a fully specified SQL profile.

ORA-13828: generated SQL profile name string already exists
Cause: A SQL profile already exists with the name generated by the system.
Action: Retry the operation as the generated name is time sensitive.

ORA-13829: SQL profile named string already exists
Cause: A SQL profile already exists with the name specified.
Action: Specify a different name or drop the existing SQL profile.

ORA-13830: SQL profile with category string already exists for this SQL statement
Cause: A SQL profile already exists for the given SQL statement and category.
Action: Drop or update the existing SQL profile.

ORA-13831: SQL profile name specified is invalid
Cause: An invalid SQL profile name was specified.
Action: Look for the underlying error on the error message stack.

ORA-13832: category name specified is invalid
Cause: An invalid category name swas pecified.
Action: Look for the underlying error on the error message stack.

ORA-13833: SQL profile named string doesn't exist
Cause: A SQL profile name was specified that doesn't exist.
Action: Verify the name of the SQL profile.

ORA-13834: name of SQL profile to be cloned must be provided
Cause: A SQL profile name was not provided as the from target of a clone SQL profile operation.
Action: Provide the name of the SQL profile being cloned.

ORA-13835: invalid attribute name specified
Cause: An invalid attribute name was specified for an alter SQL profile operation.
Action: Verify the name of the attribute.

ORA-13836: invalid attribute value specified
Cause: An invalid attribute value was specified for an alter SQL profile operation.
Action: Verify the attribute value.

ORA-13837: invalid HASH_VALUE
Cause: An invalid HASH_VALUE was passed to a create SQL profile operation
Action: Verify the HASH_VALUE.

ORA-13838: invalid ADDRESS value
Cause: An invalid ADDRESS value was passed to a create SQL profile operation.
Action: Verify the ADDRESS value.

ORA-13839: V$SQL row doesn't exist with given HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS.
Cause: A HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS combination passed to the create SQL profile operation doesn't coorespond to an existing V$SQL entry.
Action: Verify the HASH_VALUE and ADDRESS in V$SQL.

ORA-13840: Concurrent DDL Error in create SQL profile operation.
Cause: A concurrent DDL operation was performed during a create or replace sql profile operation.
Action: Try operation again

ORA-13841: SQL profile named string already exists for a different signature/category pair
Cause: A SQL profile already exists with the name specified under a different signature/category pair so it cannot be replaced, even with FORCE specified.
Action: Specify a different name or drop the existing SQL profile.

ORA-13842: no SELECT privilege on DBA_SQL_PROFILES
Cause: A user has tried to perform an operation that requires SELECT privileges on the DBA_SQL_PROFILES view.
Action: Either perform the operation as another user or get the privilege

ORA-13843: no SQL profile with name like "string" exists for category like "string"
Cause: A user tried to perform an operation by specifying a profile name/ category filter that did not target any profiles
Action: Try a different filter after checking the profile name/category

ORA-13844: no new SQL profile name or category specified.
Cause: A user called remap_stgtab_sqlprof without specifying new values for the sql profile name or category. At least one is required.
Action: Specify either a new profile name, or a new category, or both

ORA-13845: invalid SQL profile XML specification provided
Cause: The supplied XML specification for the SQL profile did not adhere to the proper schema.
Action: Check the syntax and try again.

ORA-13850: Tracing for client identifier string is not enabled
Cause: Attempt to disable a client identifier tracing which was never enabled
Action: Supply correct client identifier

ORA-13851: Tracing for client identifier string is already enabled
Cause: Attempt to enable a client identifier tracing which has been already enabled
Action: Supply correct client identifier, or disable and re-enable tracing with different bind/wait options

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