jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

Oracle backup y restore del archviso spfile

Para realizar un backup del spfile ejecutamos:
create pfile=’/home/oracle2/initdb2.ora’ from spfile;

Para restorear el archivo spfile:

1° Levantamos la base en modo nomount:
  startup nomount pfile=’/home/oracle2/initdb2.ora’

 2° creamos nuevamente el archivo spfile de la siguiente manera:
  create spfile=’/home/oracle2/spfiledb2.ora’ from pfile=’/home/oracle2/init.ora’;

3° bajamos la base y la levantamos normalmete..
 shutdown immediate

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

ORA Error . Listado Errores Oracle. ORA-14554 a ORA-15017

ORA-14554: cannot perform requested operation during database startup
Cause: Requested operation requires the Cost Based Optimizer(CBO) which is not available during database startup. Features like partitioning, IOTs, grouping sets, and flashback cursor require the CBO.
Action: Retry the query after the database is open.

ORA-14601: Illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE-IN while specifying a subpartition template
Cause: Cannot specify these clauses while specifying a template
Action: Correct the subpartition template clause.

ORA-14602: SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE is legal only for a composite partitioned table
Cause: SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE can be specified only for composite partitioned tables
Action: Do not use SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE on non-partitioned or non-composite partitioned tables.

ORA-14603: [SUBPARTITIONS | SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE] subpartition_count syntax is valid only for range-hash tables
Cause: This syntax is valid only if subpartitioning dimension is hash
Action: None

ORA-14604: During CREATE TABLE time it is illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE IN once a SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE has been specified
Cause: Once a subpartition template has been specified during a CREATE TABLE it is illegal to specify SUBPARTITIONS or STORE IN anywhere else
Action: Remove either the SUBPARTITIONS | STORE IN or remove the SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE clause

ORA-14605: Name missing for subpartition / lob segment in template
Cause: A subpartition / lob segment was not specified a name in the template descriptions
Action: All subpartitions / lob segments must have names specified in the template

ORA-14606: Tablespace was specified for previous subpartitions in template but is not specified for string
Cause: Tablespaces may either be specified for all subpartitions or must not be specified for any subpartitions
Action: Either specify tablespaces for all or for none of the subpartitions

ORA-14607: Tablespace was not specified for previous subpartitions in template but is specified for string
Cause: Tablespaces may either be specified for all subpartitions or must not be specified for any subpartitions
Action: Either specify tablespaces for all or for none of the subpartitions

ORA-14608: Tablespace was specified for the previous lob segments of column string in template but is not specified for string
Cause: Tablespaces may either be specified for all lob segments of a column or must not be specified for any lob segments of this column
Action: Either specify tablespaces for all or for none of the lob segments

ORA-14609: Tablespace was not specified for the previous lob segments of column string in template but is specified for string
Cause: Tablespaces may either be specified for all lob segments of a column or must not be specified for any lob segments of this column
Action: Either specify tablespaces for all or for none of the lob segments

ORA-14610: Lob attributes not specified for lob column string for subpartition string
Cause: Lob attributes of a column must be specified for all subpartitions or must not be specified at all
Action: Ensure lob attributes of a column are specified for all subpartitions or not specified at all

ORA-14611: Duplicate subpartition name string in template
Cause: A subpartition name cannot be duplicated within the template
Action: Rename one of the subpartitions.

ORA-14612: Duplicate lob segment name string for lob column string in template
Cause: Two lob segments of the same column were given the same name in the template
Action: Rename one of the lob segments

ORA-14613: Attempt to generate name from parent name string and template name string failed as the combine named would have been longer than allowed
Cause: Any name generated from a partition name and template name must be less than the maximum permissible name for an identifier
Action: Shorten either partition or template name.

ORA-14614: List value 'string' specified twice in subpartition 'string'
Cause: A list value cannot be specified more that once
Action: Remove one of the specifications of the value

ORA-14615: List value 'string' specified twice in subpartitions 'string', 'string'
Cause: A list value cannot be specified more that once
Action: Remove one of the specifications of the value

ORA-14616: table is not subpartitioned by List method
Cause: A subpartition maintenance operation, such as ALTER TABLE MODIFY SUBPARTITION ADD|DROP VALUES, was performed on a non-List subpartitioned object.
Action: Reissue the command against a List subpartitioned object.

ORA-14617: cannot add/drop values to DEFAULT subpartition
Cause: A ADD/DROP VALUES operation is being done on the default subpartition
Action: Ensure that ADD/DROP VALUES is not done on the DEFAULT subpartition

ORA-14618: cannot drop the last value of subpartition
Cause: ALTER TABLE DROP VALUES tried to drop the last value of the subpartition
Action: Cannot execute the command, unless two or more values exist for subpartition

ORA-14619: resulting List subpartition(s) must contain at least 1 value
Cause: After a SPLIT/DROP VALUE of a list subpartition, each resulting subpartition(as applicable) must contain at least 1 value
Action: Ensure that each of the resulting subpartitions contains atleast 1 value

ORA-14620: DEFAULT subpartition already exists
Cause: A subpartition already exists with DEFAULT value
Action: Remove the DEFAULT value from the list specified

ORA-14621: cannot add subpartition when DEFAULT subpartition exists
Cause: An ADD SUBPARTITION operation cannot be executed when a subpartition with DEFAULT values exists
Action: Issue a SPLIT of the DEFAULT subpartition instead

ORA-14622: Value string already exists in subpartition string
Cause: One of the list values in the ADD SUBPARTITION or ADD VALUES statement already exists in another subpartition
Action: Remove the duplicate value from the statement and try again

ORA-14623: Value string does not exist in subpartition string
Cause: One of the list values in the SPLIT PARTITION or DROP VALUES statement does not exist in the subpartition
Action: Remove the value from the statement and try again

ORA-14624: DEFAULT subpartition must be last subpartition specified
Cause: A subpartition description follows the one describing the default subpartition
Action: Ensure that the DEFAULT subpartition is the last subpartition description

ORA-14625: subpartition contains rows corresponding to values being dropped
Cause: table subpartition contains rows for the values being dropped.
Action: DELETE all rows for the values being dropped and reissue statement

ORA-14626: values being added already exist in DEFAULT subpartition
Cause: An ADD VALUE operation cannot be executed because the values being added exist in the DEFAULT subpartition
Action: Issue a SPLIT of the DEFAULT subpartition and then MERGE the split subpartition into the subpartition to which values need to be added

ORA-14627: Invalid operation was specified on a GLOBAL partitioned index
Cause: An invalid operation such as ALTER INDEX DROP|SPLIT SUBPARTITION was specified on the global index
Action: Ensure that subpartition level operations are not specified on a GLOBAL index, since these are only RANGE partitioned

ORA-14628: specification of bounds is inconsistent with LIST method
Cause: An operation such as ALTER TABLE SPLIT|ADD SUBPARTITION specified bounds that were inconsistent with List subpartitioning method
Action: Specify VALUES/subpartition descriptions correctly for SPLIT/ADD of List subpartitions

ORA-14629: cannot drop the only subpartition of a partition
Cause: A drop subpartition command is being executed when there is only one subpartition in the partition
Action: None

ORA-14630: subpartition resides in offlined tablespace
Cause: User attempted an operation requiring that we access data in a subpartition which resides in a tablespace which was taken offline. Such operations include trying to drop a tablespace of a table which has indices defined on it or is referenced by a constraint.
Action: Bring tablespace online before attempting the operation.

ORA-14631: the partition bounds do not match the subpartition bounds of the partition
Cause: When exchanging a partitioned table with a composite partition the bounds that describe the partitions of the table must match the bounds that describe the subpartitions of the composite partition.
Action: Ensure that the bounds describing partitions in the partitioned table is the same as the bounds of the subpartitions in the the composite partition.

ORA-14632: cannot specify PARALLEL clause when adding a List subpartition
Cause: User issued ALTER TABLE ADD SUBPARTITION statement with PARALLEL clause for a List subpartition of a Range/List partitioned object which is illegal
Action: Remove the PARALLEL clause.

ORA-14633: Index maintainence clause not allowed for ADD list subpartition to a Composite partitioned table
Cause: The clause INVALIDATE or UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES is allowed only for ADD hash subpartition to a composite partitioned table.
Action: Remove clause and reissue operation

ORA-14634: Subpartition descriptions cannot be specified during the SPLIT/MERGE of a partition of a Range-List partitioned table
Cause: During a split or a merge of a partition of a range list partitioned table you cannot specify any subpartitioning information for the resulting partition (s)
Action: Remove all subpartitioning information from the DDL.

ORA-14635: only one resulting subpartition can be specified for MERGE SUBPARTITIONS
Cause: ALTER TABLE MERGE SUBPARTITIONS contained more than one resulting subpartition for the MERGE
Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly one subpartition as the target that need to be MERGEd

ORA-14636: only 2 resulting subpartition can be specified for SPLIT SUBPARTITION
Cause: ALTER TABLE SPLIT SUBPARTITION contained more than 2 resulting subpartition for the SPLIT
Action: Ensure that the statement describes exactly 2 subpartitions as the target of the SPLIT operation

ORA-14637: cannot merge a subpartition with itself
Cause: The same subpartition name was specified twice for the merge operation
Action: Re-submit operation with 2 distinct subpartition names within the same composite partition

ORA-14638: cannot MERGE subpartitions in different Range Composite partitions
Cause: Attempted to MERGE subpartitions in different Range Composite partitions
Action: Reissue the command after ensuring that the 2 subpartitions being merged lie in the same composite partition

ORA-14639: SUBPARTITIONS clause can be specfied only for Hash, Composite Range Hash table/partition
Cause: Attempted to specify SUBPARTITIONS clause on table that is not partitioned by the Composite Range-Hash method
Action: Reissue the command after ensuring that the SUBPARTITIONS clause is not specified, to specify a template for a Composite Range List object use the SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE clause

ORA-14640: add/coalesce index partition operation is valid only for hash partitioned global indexes
Cause: User attempted to add or coalesce an index partition of a global index not partitioned by hash method.
Action: Issue the statement on a global index partitioned by hash method. or if the index is partitioned by range method consider using split/drop instead of add/coalesce.

ORA-14641: STORE-IN clause can be specified only for a Hash, Composite Range Hash table/partition
Cause: Specifying a STORE-IN clause during CREATE/ALTER of a Range, Composite Range List partitioned table which is not allowed"
Action: Re-issue the stament after removing the STORE-IN clause

ORA-14642: Bitmap index mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: The two tables in the EXCHANGE have usable bitmap indexes, and the INCLUDING INDEXES option has been specified and the tables have different hakan factors.
Action: Perform the exchange with the EXCLUDING INDEXES option or alter the bitmap indexes to be unusable.

ORA-14643: Hakan factor mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: Either records_per_block has been minimized for one of the tables to be exchanged, but not the other, or the hakan factors for the tables to be exchanged are not equal.
Action: If records_per_block has been minimized for one of the tables, but not the other, either perform alter table with the NOMINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK option for both tables, or perform alter table with the MINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK for both tables. If the hakan factors do not match perform alter table with the NOMINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK option for both tables.

ORA-14644: table is not subpartitioned by Hash method
Cause: A subpartition maintenance operation such as ALTER TABLE MODIFY PARTITION COALESCE SUBPARTITION can only be performed on Hash subpartitioned objects
Action: Re-issue the command against a Hash subpartitioned object.

ORA-14645: STORE IN clause cannot be specified for Range List objects
Cause: A STORE IN clause was specified for Range List partitioned object
Action: Re-issue the command after removng the STORE IN clause

ORA-14646: Specified alter table operation involving compression cannot be performed in the presence of usable bitmap indexes
Cause: The first time a table is altered to include compression, it cannot have a usable bitmap index (partition). Subsequent alter table statements involving compression do not have this same restriction.
Action: A) Drop any bitmap indexes defined on the table, and re-create them once the operation is complete or, B) Mark all index fragments of all bitmap indexes defined on the table UNUSABLE and rebuild them once the operation is complete.

ORA-14650: operation not supported for reference-partitioned tables
Cause: Attempted to perform an operation on a reference-partitioned table that was not supported.
Action: Do not perform the unsupported operation.

ORA-14651: reference partitioning constraint is not supported
Cause: The specified partitioning constraint was not supported for reference-partitioned tables. The partitioning constraint must be enabled, validated, and not deferrable. The partitioning constraint must not have ON DELETE SET NULL semantics.
Action: Correct the statement to specify a supported partitioning constraint.

ORA-14652: reference partitioning foreign key is not supported
Cause: The specified partitioning foreign key was not supported for reference-partitioned tables. All columns of the partitioning foreign key must be constrained NOT NULL with enabled, validated, and not deferrable constraints. Furthermore, a virtual column cannot be part of the partitioning foreign key.
Action: Correct the statement to specify a supported partitioning foreign key.

ORA-14653: parent table of a reference-partitioned table must be partitioned
Cause: Attempted to create a reference-partitioned table with a non-partitioned parent table.
Action: Correct the statement and reenter.

ORA-14654: number of partitions of reference-partitioned table must equal that of the parent table
Cause: Attempted to create a reference-partitioned table with a number of partitions which was different from that of the parent table.
Action: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement to specify a correct number of partitions.

ORA-14655: reference partitioning constraint not found
Cause: Partitioning constraint specified in CREATE TABLE ... PARTITION BY REFERENCE was not one of the referential constraints on the table being created.
Action: Ensure that the specified partitioning constraint is one of the referential constraints on the table being created.

ORA-14656: cannot drop the parent of a reference-partitioned table
Cause: Attempted to drop the parent of a reference-partitioned table.
Action: Drop all reference-partitioned child tables before dropping the parent table.

ORA-14657: cannot cascade row migration to reference-partitioned child table
Cause: Update of a parent key may require migration of rows in reference-partitioned child tables, however this is not supported because the parent key was not suitably indexed.
Action: Replace the existing index on the parent key with a unique index that does not contain any columns in addition to the parent key.

ORA-14658: specified dependent table is not affected by this operation
Cause: A table has been specified in the DEPENDENT TABLES clause that is not a reference-partitioned table affected by the operation.
Action: Correct the statement and reenter.

ORA-14659: Partitioning method of the parent table is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to create a reference-partitioned table with an interval partitioned parent table.
Action: Do not create a reference-partitioned table with an interval partitioned parent table.

ORA-14660: parent table of a reference-partitioned table cannot be index-organized
Cause: Attempted to create a reference-partitioned table with a index-organized parent table.
Action: Correct the statement and reenter.

ORA-14661: row movement must be enabled
Cause: Attempted to disable row movement for a reference-partitioned table, although row movement was enabled for its parent table.
Action: Disable row movement for parent table before disabling row movement for the reference-partitioned table.

ORA-14662: row movement cannot be enabled
Cause: Attempted to enable row movement for a partitioned table, although row movement was disabled for a reference-partitioned child table.
Action: Enable row movement for reference-partitioned child tables before enabling row movement for the parent table.

ORA-14663: reference partitioning parent key is not supported
Cause: Parent key of the reference-partitioned table's partitioning constraint contained virtual columns.
Action: Correct the statement to specify a partitioning constraint with supported parent key and reenter.

ORA-14700: Object(s) owned by SYS cannot be locked by non-SYS user
Cause: Attempt to issue a LOCK TABLE statement on SYS owned object(s) by a non-SYS user, user should minimally have DML privileges
Action: Re-issue LOCK TABLE statement for non-SYS user after granting DML privileges on object, or non-SYS user should connect as SYS

ORA-14701: partition-extended name or bind variable must be used for DMLs on tables partitioned by the System method
Cause: User attempted not to use partition-extended syntax for a table partitioned by the System method
Action: Must use of partition-extended syntax in contexts mentioned above.

ORA-14702: The partition number is invalid or out-of-range
Cause: Attempted to use nonnumerical value or the number was out of range of the partitions.
Action: Use a valid partition number.

ORA-14703: The AFTER clause can be used to ADD PARTITION only to a System Partitioned table.
Cause: The table is not partitioned by the System method
Action: Skip the AFTER clause.

ORA-14704: Create table as select disallowed for SYSTEM patitioned tables
Cause: User attempted to create a SYSTEM partitioned table by doing a create table as select.
Action: Do a create table followed by an insert as select into each partition.

ORA-14750: Range partitioned table with INTERVAL clause has more than one column
Cause: You attempted to create an interval partitioned table with more than one partitioning column.
Action: Use a single partitioning column.

ORA-14751: Invalid data type for partitioning column of an interval partitioned table
Cause: You attempted to use interval partitioning on a table partitioned on a column of data type other than number or date/time.
Action: Use only number or date/time columns as partitioning columns for interval partitioned tables.

ORA-14752: Interval expression is not a constant of the correct type
Cause: You attempted to use either a nonconstant interval or an interval whose data type does not correspond to the partitioning column
Action: Use only constant expressions for the interval. If the data type of partitioning column is numeric, the interval must be a numeric constant. If the data type is of type date/time, the interval must be a constant of interval type

ORA-14753: Interval cannot be zero
Cause: The interval mapped to zero.
Action: You must use a nonzero interval.

ORA-14754: Interval string is too long
Cause: The interval string was too long
Action: Specify interval using a shorter string

ORA-14755: Invalid partition specification for FOR VALUES clause.
Cause: The [SUB]PARTITION FOR VALUES (...) clause can only take constants. In addition it takes as many arguments as there are partitioning columns and the values must be coercible to the partitioning columns.
Action: Specify a valid FOR VALUES clause.

ORA-14756: Table is not partitioned by Interval method.
Cause: The table was not partitioned by Interval method.
Action: ALTER TABLE SET STORE IN is only valid for Interval partitioned tables. Ensure that the table by Interval.

ORA-14757: Table is already a range partitioned table
Cause: SET INTERVAL () is used to convert an interval partitioned table to a range partitioned table. It is not legal on a range partitioned table
Action: Use SET INTERVAL () only on an interval partitioned table.

ORA-14758: Last partition in the range section cannot be dropped
Cause: An attempt was made to drop the last range partition of an interval partitioned table.
Action: Do not attempt to drop this partition.

ORA-14759: SET INTERVAL is not legal on this table.
Cause: ALTER TABLE SET INTERVAL is only legal on a range partitioned table with a single partitioning column. Additionally this table cannot have a maxvalue partition.
Action: Use SET INTERVAL only on a valid table

ORA-14760: ADD PARTITION is not permitted on Interval partitioned objects
Cause: ALTER TABLE ADD PARTITION was attempted on an Interval partitioned object.
Action: Do not perform the operation on an Interval partitioned object. Insert a row to create the new partition.

ORA-14761: MAXVALUE partition cannot be specified for Interval partitioned objects
Cause: An attempt was made to create a partition with a MAXVALUE highbound on an Interval partitioned object.
Action: Do not create a partition with a MAXVALUE highbound.

ORA-14762: Domain index creation on interval partitioned tables is not permitted
Cause: An attempt was made to create a domain index on an interval partitioned table.
Action: Do not create a domain index on an interval partitioned table.

ORA-14763: Unable to resolve FOR VALUES clause to a partition number
Cause: Could not determine the partition corresponding to the FOR VALUES clause.
Action: Remove bind variables and dependencies on session parameters from the values specified in the FOR VALUES clause.

ORA-14764: FOR VALUES clause cannot be specified for only one partition
Cause: An attempt was made to specify the FOR VALUES clause for only one of the two partitions being merged.
Action: Specify a FOR VALUES clause for each of the two partitions being merged or do not specify the FOR VALUES clause for either.

ORA-14765: Cannot create a partition while doing a create index
Cause: An attempt was made to create a partition concurrently with index creation.
Action: Retry the statement after the index build is finished.

ORA-14766: Unable to obtain a stable metadata snapshot
Cause: This operation was not able to obtain a stable snapshot of the interval partitioning metadata.
Action: Retry the statement.

ORA-14767: Cannot specify this interval with existing high bounds
Cause: The interval specified conflicts with the existing high bound for the last partition. The combination might lead to invalid dates for high bounds in the future.
Action: If this is a CREATE TABLE, try specifying a different high bound value for the last partition, or a different interval. If this is an ALTER TABLE SET INTERVAL, please choose either a different interval, or, modify the table to change the high bound for the last partition.

ORA-14801: Hash composite partitioning is not supported
Cause: An attempt was made to partition a table using a Hash composite method.
Action: Do not partition the table by a Hash composite method.

ORA-14802: Specified operation is not permitted on Hash composite partitioned objects
Cause: An unsupported operation was attempted on a Hash composite partitioned object.
Action: Do not perform the operation on a Hash composite partitioned object.

ORA-14803: partition bound may not be specified for hash subpartitioned tables
Cause: A VALUES LESS THAN or VALUES clause was specified with a subpartition description.
Action: Remove the VALUES LESS THAN or VALUES clause from the subpartition description.

ORA-15000: command disallowed by current instance type
Cause: The user has issued a command to a conventional RDBMS instance that is only appropriate for an ASM instance. Alternatively, the user has issued a command to an ASM instance that is only appropriate for an RDBMS instance.
Action: Connect to the correct instance type and re-issue the command.

ORA-15001: diskgroup "string" does not exist or is not mounted
Cause: An operation failed because the diskgroup specified does not exist or is not mounted by the current ASM instance.
Action: Verify that the diskgroup name used is valid, that the diskgroup exists, and that the diskgroup is mounted by the current ASM instance.

ORA-15002: parameter LOCK_NAME_SPACE exceeds limit of string characters
Cause: The LOCK_NAME_SPACE initialization parameter contained a value that is too long.
Action: Correct the LOCK_NAME_SPACE initialization parameter.

ORA-15003: diskgroup "string" already mounted in another lock name space
Cause: The diskgroup could not be mounted by the ASM instance because it was operating in a lockspace different than another existing ASM instance which had already mounted the diskgroup.
Action: Check the LOCK_NAME_SPACE initialization parameter value, or dismount the diskgroup from the other ASM instances.

ORA-15004: alias "string" does not exist
Cause: The specified alias did not exist within the diskgroup.
Action: Check the alias name and diskgroup name.

ORA-15005: name "string" is already used by an existing alias
Cause: An existing alias in the diskgroup used the same name.
Action: Select another alias name, or drop the existing alias.

ORA-15006: template "string" does not exist
Cause: The specified template did not exist within the diskgroup.
Action: Check the template name and diskgroup name.

ORA-15007: name is already used by an existing template
Cause: A template with the same name already exists.
Action: Select another template name, or drop the existing template.

ORA-15008: cannot drop system template
Cause: The specified template was created by the system and must always exist for proper operation.
Action: Select another template name.

ORA-15009: ASM disk "string" does not exist
Cause: The specified ASM disk was not found.
Action: Check the ASM disk name.

ORA-15010: name 'string' is already used by an existing ASM disk
Cause: The specified name was already used in this diskgroup.
Action: Specify a different ASM disk name.

ORA-15011: failure group "string" does not exist in diskgroup "string"
Cause: The specified name did not match the failure group of any disks in the diskgroup. This usually indicates that the failure group name was specified incorrectly.
Action: Check the failure group name.

ORA-15012: ASM file 'string' does not exist
Cause: The ASM file was not found.
Action: Check the ASM file name.

ORA-15013: diskgroup "string" is already mounted
Cause: An ALTER DISKGROUP MOUNT command specified the name of a diskgroup which is already mounted by the current ASM instance.
Action: Check the name of the diskgroup.

ORA-15014: path 'string' is not in the discovery set
Cause: The operating system path specified was outside the set of disks that are discovered by the instance.
Action: Specify a operating system path within the set of disks that are discovered based upon the ASM_DISKSTRING parameter. Alternatively, check the setting of the ASM_DISKSTRING parameter.

ORA-15015: Specified path 'string' conflicts with path 'string'
Cause: The ASM instance previously discovered specified disk with an ASM library using a different path.
Action: Use the discovery string of the ASM library to add the disk.

ORA-15016: inconsistent respecification of path 'string'
Cause: The specified path was provided more than once with different properties.
Action: Do not provide a path more than once. Alternatively, provide consistent properties.

ORA-15017: diskgroup "string" cannot be mounted
Cause: The specified diskgroup could not be mounted.
Action: Check for additional errors reported.